Tuesday, November 13, 2012



There's a lot that has been said about it. And yet it's never enough.
In life's various stages, time and timing will always play a vital role.

Take for instance the sweet, simple happiness one gets in the arms of a friend or a loved one. The feeling one get's among good company makes you forget the worries of everyday life. Those moments that make time to virtually stop and cause you to exclaim words like 'Awesome', 'Blissful', 'Amazing', Out of this World' No other incident can compare to such moments.

But we are human. At times we can be inconsiderate and insensitive.

In most cases close on the heels of those awesome moments. When we do things without considering the consequences. Causing irreparable damage.

Like a cut that is so deep, it can never truly heal. Unlike the healing properties of time so widely propagated. Yes, time can certainly open doors to joyful experiences that can completely overshadow the times of despair. But those doors will always have windows beside them reminding us that we cannot change what has already occurred.

Those times of sadness make one remember movies like The Time Machine. Guy Pearce plays a time traveller who goes to great lengths to prevent a mournful occurance. As portrayed in the movie, nothing changes the fact that the love of his life is destined to leave for heaven. Similarly, there's absolutely nothing one can do to change what has transpired.

They say humans can accept the cold facts, learn from our mistakes & move forward. some learn immediately, some have to fall many times over to finally figure things out. And there are some who will never learn.

Accepting one's fault is not always difficult when you lead life with an open mind and with egos thrown out. A rare combination in itself. Having said that the one who has been hurt will always have a deeper scar than the other irrespective of their extent of remorse. To put things in extreme perspective: 'A murderer can never bring his victim back to life.'

Time is meant to etch memories in the human mind. Both, pleasant and otherwise. Maybe that is why man can never invent a time machine.

Both parties need to accept the facts and work ahead. For at the end of the day, the company of loved ones should be cherished and hurdles need to be jumped together by lending each other a helping hand.

They say time is the most precious gift we can give to someone.

It's therefore up to me to ensure I invest in thinking twice before I realize it's too late.