Thursday, September 26, 2013

Valorous Immortality - a work of fiction(before you jump the gun and judge me)

Do you have Valor in your veins?

A good friend once told me, ‘Why do you keep doing these things? Don’t waste your precious time and energy for this country. They will just take you for granted.’ I replied, ‘Someday, someone won’t.’

Ever since the dawn of the caveman, it has always been the duty of at least one dominant person in the group to lead the others through all obstacles. Back in those times, it certainly took brass balls to go out there amidst the wild. So I would say, yes our Darwinian ancestors definitely had valor in their veins.

Take animals for instance. A pride of lions for that matter. It is the duty of the mothers to protect their cubs whilst they learn the ropes of survival. Similarly, it is the duty of the father and his brothers to protect the pride. But at times, we do see examples of a lioness or a lion being cast out. It is then that the outcast has to survive without any support whatsoever. But yet, she will fight the harsh conditions of being outnumbered in a hunt for food. She will fight through and do her best to survive, find a mate who will love and protect and be there for her children. I would say, she definitely has valor in her veins.

In this day and age, we must not forget one of our most inherent of instincts. Today, we have corruption, violence, thirst for domination and crime in truckloads. Not to mention those acts of shame and hatred that go unseen. The shameful acts of deception that occur in many a home today. Survival then of the human spirit is called for. We don’t just need to survive heinous crimes my friends. We need to take survival a step ahead. We need to stand out. Be lions. Lions inspiring the world.

Why am I saying this to you? Well, why then are we alive? Because we as humans, who are capable of thinking and reasoning, have somehow forgotten what it takes to lead a fulfilling life. What it takes to lead a life of peace and harmony.

95% of people will always take the easy road. Now don’t get me wrong. They too put in their very best in their families and occupations. But it is that initial easier choice that we make, that sometimes leads us to overlook the bigger picture. You see, the tougher choice is always that of the 5 percenters. They are the ones similar to that one single swimmer, who makes it past millions and reaches his destiny to create a new life. Like the caterpillar, he dies creating a beautiful butterfly. In essence then, he never truly died.

Therefore, we need to give our veins that shot of adrenaline. That shot of courage. We need the disparity in proportion to balance out. I don’t mean we should all become Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. What we CAN do though, is instill their stand out qualities within us. For an act of valor can come from making the right choice even in the littlest of things.

I can choose to walk past an ailing stray animal, or I can be a hero to it and feed it or take it to the vet or see that the right officials, the true animal lovers mind you, can take care of it. I can choose to cross the road first in a hurry and then regret not having been a hero, to that aged old lady struggling at the other end. Or I can do what is right. I can choose to drink and drive and cause harm to my loved ones and in some cases to the people on pavements and the innocent motorist on the road. Or I can choose to appoint someone responsible. I can choose to ignore the litter in my society thrown by people who claim to be close to god and yet like hypocrites they forget the truth about cleanliness. Or I can choose to go out and clean it myself and send the right message.
Not everyone comes across a true life and death situation like Keenan Santos in Mumbai or those four boyfriends who took bullets saving their loved ones when one mad man chose to terrorise a cinema in the US. Is it ironic then that this shootout happened at the release of a superhero movie? NO! It happened to send a message to the world. Keenan and his friends CHOSE to send us a message.

There is a famous person working on this worldwide Heroic Imagination project by the name Philip Zimbardo. This Professor emeritus at Stanford University says, we get just one moment in our lives where we are faced with a situation that calls for an act of bravery. Situations in which it would be far easier to do otherwise. So why just wait for that one moment? It may have already passed you by when you were a kid. There’s no age bar to heroism. But rather, be a hero in the things you do and the choices you make everyday.

Therefore, be the hero who doesn’t give up on that last set of repetitions in the gym, thereby inspiring the others. Be the hero at work who helps prevent his colleague from losing his or her temper. Be a hero everyday not just to your families and society. As we are here to impress no one, but ourselves. Only in doing so, can one truly impress upon others.

The greatest happiness comes from a life of fulfilment. I believe that can only be done through contribution. There is no greater joy than that of giving without expecting a reward. Let us then not forget our roots. Our valorous ancestors, who like lions created us through the struggle of one sperm’s act of true survival. Let us not forget our cultural heroes, who stood against all odds so that we may enjoy the benefits. Let us not forget our parents and our friends. Or the people who are differently abled and yet inspire others by doing things we normal people take for granted. People like Nick Vujicic, the successful founder of LifeWithoutLimbs. Man what a person! What A hero! Let us not forget then, our true nature IS to have valor flowing through our veins.

I believe the true purpose of life is to be a hero. For that is what our world badly needs today. I’d like to leave you with one thought. Life is not about merely existing and ending up a box of bones six feet under. It is about immortality. Where I can truly be a hero and have someone say, “You know, I never gave up, because of this one person.”

P.S.: Thank You Janice for your valuable suggestions.

Monday, September 23, 2013

When you seek inspiration you will not find it right then. But when you continue to believe, in time, it will come and how!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

I may hate the current state of my country and that's fine as long as it motivates me. But the day I cease to be grateful for what I have, that's the day I truly have nothing.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

A life less dreamy and dreams more life-like. This is the way I lead my life.
I don't know how you couples do it. You guys are the true multi-taskers. I seriously don't think I have the energy or time to be there for just one person. But I do my best to be there for many.

From buying an average of two magazines per month to probably just two a year. A collection of  over 400 magazines then to just a couple of handfuls now. My fifteen years of reading began much before the CBZ graced the covers of many hallowed titles. (Thanks to my older brother.) Price per issue has gone from INR 25 to INR 100. Now, don't get me started on fuel. The two strokers hold a very special place and are all but extinct. Career has strolled down a handful of pathways. A girlfriend or two during the years. From an angsty teenager to an angrier young man. Biking took a bit of a sabbatical for me compared to my level of involvement before. But one thing has stayed constant even before the 15 years. I unabashedly say, motoring has always been in my blood.

My darling sis in law bought the slush fest issue for her hubby along with another motorcycle mag. To me, the good ol' BSM has always been more of a motorcyclists' book. As luck would have it, the hubby dearest had to take the mag along for his business trip. As soon as I got my hands on it, the first and only proper article I read was that of the Duke. Just as Ruman said about the bike, the write-up for me, was just what the doctor ordered. Till date I have ridden an RD only once and that short run never saw me touch the 6th cog. Being the youngest biker amongst my brother's buddies, I guess all their advice made  me overtly cautious. But she did give me my share of goose-bumps. I still make RD sounds from my nose and throat  when I get a severe cold. Forget about the how. And just like the RD, the original Kinetics, the RXs and the CBZ/Karizma, these little Austrian street demons have a distinctive note too. I don't know about imitating the KTM's exhaust sound, but am pretty sure I will touch the 6th cog on this worthy successor to that grand-daddy of performance motorcycles. Funny how we refer to these machines in both genders no?

As a kid I enjoyed sitting on my neighbor's parked RTZ. Never got a ride on it, as the said neighbor was rarely around. Was always thrilled on the RX tank rides my Uncle's friend gave us. FYI, he went onto a Pulsar and rides a Bullet now. My English school teacher's husband never failed to get my schooling eyes and ears peering out my window at every moment that he passed by. He rode around a Maruti Omni engined contraption. Oops, sorry. It was definitely a motorcycle. One that had the RD's chassis, and a gearbox and exhaust pipe from the Bullet no less! Today he drives around on an Avenger, his son's Thunderbird and his Thar & Bolero. But that is still the best three cylindered bike I have ever seen and heard. Yet to see those Triumphs in India. Add to that the locality's famous red Funduros and a myriad of RDs and the Bullet in my building that I used to hate cause it was too loud for us ground floor folk. Course, I have grown to love the Bullet now. No surprises there, specially when it was my paternal grandpa's dream bike that stayed in his dreams just as much as he did in mine. (He saw heaven before I saw the light of day)

These days my eyes and ears peer out at the orgasmic sounding cross-plane R1 that seemed to have had it's share of slush fests this monsoon. A Gixxer passes by every now and then, not to forget some precious multi-cylindered Hondas. Oh and the next society's Street Bob. I managed to ride an Iron 883 some months ago. Felt just as it should have. A Bullet that has grown in heart. But again, brain matter took center stage than the heart and I couldn't ride it to even half it's potential. Don't have the resources to buy one if i break one you see. And the occasional grand-daddy does pass by the house too. 

As I begin my day with this love letter, getting nearer to my three decades on earth, nostalgia once again brings my dusty fingers to my plastic covered keyboard. It's been ages since I wrote you a letter. We've been through sea changes in everything that life has to offer here in India. We have Phantoms and Ghosts next door to people seeing ghosts of onions past.  Water to splash into at rooftop infinity pools while people clamor for a drop to drink. We spend as much time and money at the malls as we do on eBay and Facebook. Thankfully I do see the youth and people setting aside finances for good causes just
as much. My family has moved from a Chetak to a Kine', from the original CBZ(still dislike the current one for being named after it), to now a Karizma and a Dio. I'd like to get an Impulsive job done on our trusty ol' Karizma. Crasto, you listening? Oh and fate willing our family may see a Bullet soon and maybe, just maybe a Duke 390 even sooner. Evolution Indeed.